In case you’re not aware, there’s a Multiply Bible Reading Plan that accompanies the Multiply Discipleship material. Here’s the description from YouVersion:

This daily bible-reading plan is designed as a companion for those using the disciple making material, Multiply. As you read the selected daily passages of Scripture along with the Multiply Material we hope you will know Jesus Christ more fully as you make disciples.

Follow the plan by going here.

  1. I cannot get the reading plan to come up I have registered several times……

  2. Emily said:

    Is there a way to print out the reading plan from YouVersion?

  3. Jordan Cavanaugh said:

    Is there a way to get a hard copy of the reading plan? Id like to pass it out to my students.

    • Hey Jordan – We don’t have a hard copy of the reading plan, but everything is in YouVersion.

  4. Jordan Cavanaugh said:

    I get that everything is in youversion, but I would like to get a hard copy to hand out to my students and I cannot seem to access the overall plan without clicking every individual day. Is there anything you can do to help me out?

  5. I would really like to see the overall plan if possible, is there any way to do that? Thanks!

    • Emily, you have to sign up for the plan to view the calendar of it. Just start the plan, register, and then view the calendar. I’m sure that if you decide it’s not best for you, you can unsubscribe!

  6. Brian B said:

    I would love a pdf copy as well just date and scripture.

    • Brian, you have to register for the plan to get an overview of it. Sorry!

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