
Multiply Stories

Jim and Betty with Their Small Groups

From our friends at Shattered Magazine comes the story of Jim Warren, the executive director of David Platt’s resource ministry, Radical.

Jim has the same story as all believers – he once was lost but now is found. And though this basic template of redemption in Christ remains constant, each “found” person fills it in with their own unique, providential journey. Check out Jim’s story and see God’s glory on display in the life of a man whose success shifted from being worldly to being heavenly, from being temporal to being eternal.

In the words of article writer Mitch Eubank, “When we hear a story like Jim Warren’s, let us not only be encouraged by his truly radical steps of faith, but more importantly, let us be drawn into the worship of our great God; the same God who chooses to use helpless sinners in His great plan of redeeming a people from every nation, tribe, and tongue.”

Read the entire story HERE.

Multiply EmblemSince the Multiply Gatherings last year, God has been working in people’s lives all over the world. This working is happening in a variety of ways through a variety of people. For some, it has brought much fruit as they seek to share and teach the gospel to people right around them in their community. For others, it has been wrought with difficulty and resistance. However, in all of these cases, the constant remains the same: God is drawing people to himself through Christ in nations all over the world, and here are a few of the joys and struggles experienced in the last year. We hope this brings encouragement, yet much prayer and preparation as November 8 is drawing near.

“I’m a missionary in South Africa and my wife and I are going through the Multiply material with 13 youth leaders here, meeting weekly in our house. These leaders are beginning to multiply and disciple our local youth and family members. Awesome to see disciples making disciples!”
– Chris, South Africa

“I have begun going back to the pub that I frequent as an unbeliever and have decided to turn what I enjoy recreationally, watching the Chicago Bears, into ministry. I am working on building relationships with unbelievers there with the common ground of Da Bears. I have had greater difficulty with encouraging believers to make disciples. I have been working on beginning my disciple making myself.”
– Ian, Round Lake Beach, IL

“There’s the challenge of having to reach my campus alone. Getting med students to commit to ANYTHING is like herding cats. I think because so much of our schedule is forced upon us we react by being noncommittal to all else. So anything involving commitment/setting goals, whether sharing the gospel, discipling others, or even just showing up for a discipleship meeting, has been a big challenge to overcome.”
– Shane, Little Rock, AR

“I met a man in a nutrition club where we both go to exercise. We began a friendship. He shared with me that he and his live in girlfriend are raising their son and wish they had some guidelines/help. He and another Christian friend of mine had several talks about life, which led naturally into conversations about God. Then he was invited to our church. After attending several weeks in a row, he began to have serious questions about faith since he grew up with no spiritual guidance. The conversation eventually turned into an opportunity to share Christ’s love with him and offer him salvation. He prayed to receive Christ as his Savior.”
– Todd, Jackson, MI

“You do not need the ‘right’ words or to be an outgoing person. I am a very shy and reserved person. Every time I am meeting with someone or working at the soup kitchen I pray to be filled with the Spirit and every time, EVERY time, He takes over and great things happen. When people talk about the way I am able to engage with people I always say, ‘This is not me; this is all God!’”
– Lindsay, Pottstown, PA

“Sometimes people aren’t ready to hear the good news of how God can transform their lives. In those instances, I have to walk away and know that I planted a seed and now I have to leave the rest up to God. That is very difficult with people close to me because I don’t want to see them hurt anymore. But I have to let the Holy Spirit do his job.”
– Jane, Birmingham, AL

“A young lady from China actually became engaged in Christianity and our local outreach to international students. She was encouraged by others, and my role was that of a Paul to Timothy. I intentionally met with her to encourage her, hold her accountable and teach/share more about Christ through His Word.”
– Angela, Serbia

Those are just a few examples of fruit and struggles experienced since last year’s Multiply Gatherings. Continue to pray that more stories of Christ’s power, grace and mercy begin to be told as a result of Multiply 2013. And as you pray, make sure you REGISTER TODAY for the free live stream of Friday’s Gathering and invite your friends to join!

Discouraged MultiplierIf, since the last Gathering, you can echo that sentiment, there are at least two ways of handling it. 1) Give up, or 2) learn from your shortcomings and recommit. Of course, we would urge you to embrace this latter response and be all the more diligent in your calling to make disciples this year. *

We don’t want your discouragement to lead to you not participating in the Multiply Gathering. Whether you are being tempted to give up or have already resolved to get back on your horse, the Gathering this Friday is sure to help. We don’t want to give you a guilt trip or discourage you further. In fact, you should know that you’re not alone. Take it from Mary in Alabama:

At work, I haven’t seen someone actually come to faith. They seem to be interested in what I believe, but aren’t willing to follow Christ… I wish I had more time for them.

Here are a couple others:

Not seeing fruit is really discouraging, but it’s probably because I don’t get on my knees as often as I should for my disciple. – Gabriella, NJ

I cry sometimes because I don’t know how to help some people. I feel guilt over missed opportunities and ways that I see I didn’t use the wisdom of Gd and relied on my own instead. – Bradley, GA

Our goal this Friday is to encourage you if you’re discouraged. So don’t let the fact that you haven’t made a disciple since the last Gathering keep you from participating in this one. It’s free, and you have only to gain from it. Although the registration process is super easy, don’t wait until Friday afternoon. We’d encourage you to take 60 seconds and REGISTER NOW.

* Note: We realize that even when faithful, there can be cases in which the people you have been sharing with reject the gospel. Not all cases in which there is little or no fruit are a result of personal shortcomings or unfaithfulness in disciple-making.

“Just do something.”  Those words where ringing in my ears as I took my seat on the plane from Beijing to Tokyo.  I conveniently changed seats with one of my traveling companions, which put me in the unfortunate middle seat!  Not only did he subject me to the middle seat but he also made sure I was aware that God might use my new situation as a gospel opportunity.  This was obviously his way of making himself feel better!  I’m not sure he or I knew at the moment how prophetic that comment truly was.

I sat down with one thing on my already jet-lagged, sleep-deprived mind, “I just want to get some sleep.” Well, it turns out that God did have other plans for the three-hour plane ride.  Sleep would have to wait.  The seat beside me was soon occupied by Sam; a kind, friendly, and talkative individual from D.C. who works in the space industry.  Needless to say, based on his line of work, Sam is quite intelligent.  This is where those words “just do something” come into play.  About 24hrs earlier I sat and observed a Q&A with David and Francis in Beijing.  During that time they were asked some questions concerning making disciples and spreading the gospel.  To one question Francis gave a somewhat comical, but entirely serious answer, “just do something.”

As those words rang in my ears I knew I wasn’t going to be able to sleep on the plane.  I was going to do something and engage Sam with the gospel.  One simple question, “Are you are follower of Christ?” led to a three hour discussion of the Christian faith.  Sam asked me just about every hard question one can think to ask.  Over the next three hours I did the best I could to give evidence for the existence of God, to answer the problem of evil, and even to address whether or not Sam was going to hell apart from Christ.  It was not easy, and I know my answers were inadequate at times, but Sam politely listened.  I think I was given the opportunity to correct a lot of misunderstanding in Sam’s mind concerning Christianity, and even help offset the stereotype he had regarding Christians. For that I’m grateful. I’m grateful for Sam’s willingness to engage with me in conversation, and even appearing to be open to being wrong.  I’m grateful for what Francis said the day before that God used to compel me in this situation.

The reality is, I’ve been given this same opportunity many times, and many times I’ve gone to sleep or devised some other rationale for not doing something.  In this situation, by God’s grace, I did something. I can’t express the joy that comes with simply being obedient in that moment; a joy I’ve experienced many times but tend to easily forget. Do you feel stuck?  Do you feel like you don’t know where to begin? Let me urge you, just do something. You won’t regret it.


This story was written by Cory, one of the members of the Multiply team traveling with David and Francis in Asia.

Join us on November 8 for Multiply.  We will live stream our gathering from Austin, TX.  It’s free and easy for churches, small groups, and families to participate.  Register by going to

Francis, David, and the team have been privileged to meet with pastors and leaders from China and Japan this week.  Here are some of the pictures from their time in Asia thus far.  Please continue to be in prayer for them and for the Church in Asia as they are making disciples who are making disciples…

Register for Multiply in November  – If you haven’t registered for the Multiply Gathering from Austin, Texas, we encourage you to join us.  Registration is free and easy to do on our website.

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David preaching outside of Beijing, sharing how God has used the people of China to shape his life.


House church leaders speaking with the team about the challenges that face the Church in China. The Church is growing due to evangelism but there is a great need for ongoing discipleship.

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David and Francis had the privilege to meet with many believers in Japan to encourage them through the Word and in prayer.

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It’s hard to believe that the Multiply live stream happened over eight months ago!  Our hope is that since November 2012, you’ve had many great opportunities to share the gospel, encourage others with truth, and work on those disciple-making relationships we all prayed for at the gathering.

However, as many of you may have already found, this isn’t always easy.  In fact, more times than not, it’s difficult.  Especially in the beginning.  Striking up conversations about the Lord, figuring out how to initiate an ongoing discipleship relationship, knowing how to address unfamiliar issues… it’s tough.  We can set out with the best of intentions and a solid plan that looks great on paper, but things don’t always happen like we would hope.

We want to know your story.  What are these hurdles that seem so high?  What are the struggles that you can’t seem to figure out how to tackle?  What successes have you had?  What have you figured out?  What can’t you seem to figure out?  How have you seen the Lord work?  Do you have any questions we may be able to help with?

We are so excited to gather together again on November 8th, and share great stories of God’s faithfulness with one another, as well as stories of difficult struggle. Continue in the good work, knowing that he who has called you is faithful!

As a quick note, we may use your story to help others in the future.  Comment below or post it on the Multiply Facebook page.

Multiply EmblemHope is making disciples in Canada, but it isn’t going exactly like she expected. Outmatched, overwhelmed, and underprepared, she is being hit with the reality of her own inadequacy and desperate need for God. Here’s her story, in her own words.

I’d like to share my discipleship story and ask you to pray for me.  Last fall, I began to ask the Lord to bring people into my life that actually wanted to be discipled. I live in a “religious” part of our Canadian province, and many people just don’t want to be discipled.  Life is just too busy for that!

So, around Christmas time, I felt a gentle nudge to befriend a lady who had tragically watched her husband drown while saving their only child and, as a result, suffered from post traumatic stress.  We connected, and God has greatly blessed both of us in our friendship.  But, it hasn’t been what I thought it would be.  It’s slow going and certainly requires lots of grace and patience.  She seems to be seeking God and searching, truly hungry for love, but is presently looking in earthly relationships to fill this void.  She is also being pursued by a married “Christian” man. 

Then, shortly after Christmas, a friend that I hadn’t been connected with for a long time was brought back into my life.  She apologized to me for the way she had treated me and then proceeded to tell me her story, which she had been attempting to suppress for years.  She had been sexually abused for many years, starting when she was four years old.  Currently, her “Christian” husband is being unfaithful to her and telling her that she is the reason he is doing this.  She believes this and is broken-hearted that she is the cause for “ruining” a godly man.  SO much pain and damaged emotions wrapped up in this precious lady’s life.  Amazingly, God has opened the way for her to accept a few truths from me.  However, she does not believe that God is good right now, so trusting Him is an issue.

I truly believe that God has answered my prayer by giving me these two ladies as disciples, and I believe He is going to do great healing and bring them into His Light and Life.  Will you please pray that I will abide in Him and have wisdom, love, patience, and grace in the process. 

This is not what I expected discipleship to be like at all, but it is amazing to know that Christ is living through me.

Screen Shot 2013-05-28 at 10.44.39 AMMitch and Cory work as engineers in Huntsville, Alabama. However, you may not peg them as young professionals from seeing where they live or what they do in their free time. Through God’s providential hand, they are now making disciples where they least expected to.

“It all started with a simple question, ‘Would you guys be interested in helping out with Cub Scouts?’ I think we literally laughed in Keri and Shellie’s face,” says Mitch.

What began as doubtful laughter turned into grace-drive service. Let me introduce you to Mitch and Cory – not the engineers, but the Cub Scout leaders. Here’s their story.

For more information about Shattered, the magazine that published this article, be sure to check out their website.

Note from the editor:  Share your experiences and questions related to disciple-making in the comments portion below or on Facebook. As you share your stories with us and others, we’ll address your most common questions.



I’m discipling four guys and it has been an awesome experience. One of the four I’m using the Multiply book as a sort of curriculum for the process and its nice to see how he is growing in the Lord through this ministry. Some hurdles for me are the fact that I am more introverted than extroverted so I enjoy being alone so that makes it hard to do life with people.”                            – E.B.M.

 “I’m an introvert as well but need God’s grace to help spread his message to all people groups of the world.”   – Ray L.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and under-qualified when we hear preachers telling us to make disciples of all nations. “Be bold to speak the name of Jesus,” they say. “Tell your neighbors and co-workers about God’s grace. This good news needs to be shared!”

When you’re tempted to shut down or disregard what preachers and teachers are telling you because you feel this way, remember – you are not David Platt, and you are not Francis Chan. You are not even your extroverted friend who is always talking to strangers. And that’s a good thing. By God’s design, you are an introvert.

So what does the Great Commission look like for all the introverts in the room?

First, know that just because introverts may have the natural tendency to internalize their thoughts, isolate themselves a little bit, or initiate few conversations, they are not excused from the mission at hand. All Christians are to be making disciples, so introverts must be prepared to face some of the challenges that may come along with that, especially given their personality.

But that doesn’t mean they need a new personality, or even that their personality is inferior to extroverted personalities for the purpose of making disciples.

And that’s where this second word of encouragement comes in. Introverts should do what they do. No, not cowering in the corner. But they should make disciples according to their gifts and abilities.

For instance, many people who talk little are excellent listeners. In fact, James 1:19 may suggest (rather strongly) that we are not only to cherish the art of speaking less to listen more, but actively seek it. So if words isn’t your thing, don’t feel pressured to talk a lot. While at some point this is required, sharing the gospel needn’t be eloquent or long. Prayerfully and intentionally be on the look out for where God is already moving, and then join in with Him. God is faithful, and the beauty of coupling little talking with much listening is that when you do speak up, you’ll probably know just what He wants you to say, exactly when and how He wants you to say it.

And if solitude is something you like a lot of, take advantage of that alone time to study God’s Word and pray for others, all the while asking God for the courage, guidance, and desire to share life with people as you ought. This will make your interactions with people more meaningful.

Third, while introverts may have different obstacles than extroverts, every personality type has hang-ups when it comes to disciple making… even that guy wearing the “Free Hugs” shirt at summer camp. Though he may be totally comfortable with a lot of attention and interaction with strangers, he has the potential for major aversions to sharing the gospel with people. Whether it is fear of rejection or awkwardness, temptation to pride, feelings of inadequacy, or something else, his extroversion is not always the answer. In some cases, for difficulties such as poor listening, his natural tendency toward chitter chatter can even be tied to the problem.

So, introvert, don’t despair! The grace of God is so strong that even the challenges you face in sharing about it can be overcome. More than that, the difficulties you have can actually serve your cause. Remember 2 Corinthians 12:9-10? In your weakness He is strong! So if you are weak in areas such as conversation-starting, social interaction, or close relational living, why not let your weakness display God’s strength? You’re trying to point to Him anyway.