What is Multiply?

Multiply exists to awaken churches and all followers of Christ to the priority of disciple-making in the church’s mission. The Great Commission applies to every Christian, and the Lord Jesus has promised to be with us in this glorious task.

We want to invite you to participate in the first Multiply Gathering led by Francis Chan and David Platt. Join us for a FREE webcast on one or both of the following nights (the content will be the same for each night):

Nov. 9th, 2012 @ 7-10pm (Central)

Nov. 10th, 2012 @ 6-9pm (Pacific)

To register click here.

Stay tuned in the days ahead as we will be talking more about the heart behind Multiply and the purpose of the Multiply Gathering.

  1. Jason said:

    Do I have to be present in AL or is it coming from there and I can view it with my church here?


    • Hey Jason – We will be simulcasting both Gatherings, so as long as you have an internet connection and a computer, you can simulcast. We’d love for your church to join us!

  2. I loooove this. My husband and I are currently using T4T material with our church plant (Sojourn Communities/Sojourn Church) to help our people become disciples who make disciples that make disciples. We would love to get a copy of the current Multiply Movement material before the newest version is released on October 3rd. Is it possible for us to get a PDF of this?

    • Hey Lyndsey – We are making revisions to the lessons so that they will be a little more user-friendly. October 3 is the earliest they will be available.

  3. The intro videos are very moving and encouraging. I could not agree more that there is a huge need for this especially for resource-rich, consumer-oriented, and mobile American Christians.

    So what do you envision this looking like in an overseas (All Nations) context? What will All Nations look like for Multiply?

    Would love to see your materials as we have been translating all we can get our hands on to train Nationals in Asia to do this very thing as they are culturally the best equipped but lack the training.

    • Paul – The Multiply Materials will be available on the website on October 3. We’d love to hear how you’re using them in Asia once you get them!

  4. Will David Platt & Francis Chan be doing the simulcasts together or will David be doing the one on Friday and Francis the one on Saturday? Have been looking forward to this since the announcement at Secret Church in April!

    • Linda – David and Francis will be teaching at both Gatherings. The content will be mostly the same both nights but may vary slightly due to the unique venues.

  5. I really want to spread the word about this exciting movement!

  6. Debbie Barron said:

    I cannot begin to express the excitement in my heart for an answer to prayer about discipling. I love to see how God uses the gifts of his people to fill a need in the body of Christ. Thank you David and Francis for your obedience to the calling of Christ in this ministry. I am excited to see how God will work in the lives of many people all over the world!!!!!!

  7. Aaron said:

    I’m confused at to exactly what makes this different from the last 30 years of the church. Help me understand this is new, or a different movement from before. For the last 30 years I’ve been around, these have been the core concepts. To follow, truly. To express to others the hope that we have. To teach them what it all means. I don’t really see anything new. If that’s the point, that this isn’t new, all I see is a bunch of media content reiterating what everyone already knows. If it is new, what specifically is new?

  8. Dear Brother,
    Please teach us to multiply in Bangalore, India. We work among slums and poor tribal and rural areas. We want to present Jesus to them in a very nice way.Willing to learn from you.
    please give voice to our voiceless people.
    with regards,

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