Need More? Check Out These Resources

Multiply_Full Banner_BlackAs you seek to make disciples, we want to help by providing resources and materials that communicate foundational biblical truths. Toward that end, we have gathered together a list of helpful materials for individuals or small groups to walk through together.

We’ve divided these recommended resources up according to the various needs that groups may have. Whether you’re meeting with an unbeliever, going through some essential biblical truths, or wanting to dig deeper, we recommend the following resources. As with any resource, read the following with discernment:



Digging Deep

  1. Robyn McElree said:

    I am beginning to disciple a young woman in Taiwan via Skype. Is Multiply available to download in Chinese as we were able to download it in English? Thank you.

    • Robyn,

      Unfortunately, no… Multiply is not available in Chinese. However, you are welcome to translate it yourself, as this has already been done by some people in other parts of the world. All we ask is that you send us a copy when you’re done and that you not sell it. But with Multiply being more of a grassroots kind of thing anyway, we’d encourage you to go for it!

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